Saturday, July 23, 2005

July 23rd - Day11

TDiR - This Day in Rome.
We really didn't do all that much. We took a walk all the way through the Roman Forum it was nice, but after like the first half hour it got kinda old and I was like "why am I looking at these rocks again?" It was cool, we saw a few other things like the Monument of Vittorio Emanuele II. We didn't go inside, but the outside of it was really pretty and cool, so it was probably my favorite building in Rome that we saw. The last famous building we came across was the Pantheon witch is a temple known for its great domed hall and oculus witch is the buildings only light source and is a huge hole in the roof. Well tomorrow was our goal to be in Venice because mark was cool enough to get me and Julian a suite. Lets hope everything turns out.


Friday, July 22, 2005

July 22nd - Day10

Im in my chick pants and showing my nips--what a fag
On this day:
We got here way early in the morning but still to late to sleep. So we decided since we are already late a day to just try and stay up, we went first to the The Colosseum (or Coliseum) Me and Julian from inside the Coliseumwitch was cool. It was made 80 yrs after Jesus' death. We got some good pictures then we headed to Vatican City witch is considered its own country. It had these huge walls around it and only like 1 or 2 entrances. We went in, it was huge. Inside we saw all sorts of stuff. Lots of history and huge pictures of bible stories and stuff. Ha. The Sistine Chapel was a neat sight. The only down side was it was hot inside. Old building = no air conditioning. We then went to our new hostel witch also has no air because the AC broke. Because no sleep for 2 days, I passed out in no time.

Funny Thing
Apparently Coke hates music. When I was in Paris waiting for my first train I found this on my coke bottle, I thought it was to cool to pass up taking a picture of. Just thought it was funny, so I put it up.

Also, does anyone ever click my links and find them useful or care about them, because if not even one person cares, I wont try as much to inform you what everything is about or where it is located. Julian says no one cares about them, so I just wanted to find out.

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Thursday, July 21, 2005

July 21st - The Train Ride

My Birthday
Today me and Julian woke up at like 9 and we got packed and out of our room by 10:30. We went strait to the train station after we got another crèape. Got there at like noon. Julian asked to see the train tickets so we can wait were our train should be. The ticket said another train station. We were like crappy. So we hopped on to the tube station to the other station. If not for Julian we would have been in trouble. We got to the station and waited about an hour for the train to come. The First train was nice. We had like 8 people room type thing with plenty of room to get up and adjust or whatever. There was a baby that got kind of loud but it wasn't horrible. That train lasted from 2:24 to 10pm long. Then we had to get off and switch trains. The second train was ghetto. It was really tight and dirty. There was like no room in our 6 person room thing. When we were sitting up strait you still had to move for someone to walk through. It was late so we are all trying to get some sleep before we arrive at 6:30 am so everyone is trying to move and put there feet somewhere comfortable. Julian was seated right across from me, and he doesn't really care about anyone's comfort but himself sometimes. So I was completely uncomfortable for like an hour so after not being able to sleep I got out of the room and just hung out side or the window. I was more comfortable in the small hallway. So I blasted my iPod to cover the sound of the train and waited. I feel asleep on the floor for like an her and my back hurt so I just stayed awake. Julian has now completely streched out across me and his seat so I just left him. 6:45 came and finally I can leave that torment ugh. At least were in Rome now. I haven't slept in two days. So Im kinda like thinking unstrait. ha. Well tata

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

July 20th - Day 8

Today woke up, eat breakfast. We went to The Louvre with our roomie Kim. The tree of us walked around, saw a bunch of famous paintings like the Mona Lisa. The Louvre is huge. I guess it takes a few days to walk through and see everything. At about noon or 1 we left because we saw the main stuff. We walked down the road and some guy was begging me to draw me and Julian agreed I should and offered to pay half. He made me look like a homeless bum in front of the Eiffel Tower. haha. Right after we went to get this Ice Cream that was supposed to rock. It was pretty good. Kim had to do some shopping and me and Julian had to go see more sights so we parted. Julian and I hopped on the tube and headed to The Notre Dame de Paris.

Notre Dame de Paris

The Church was really pretty. Out side there were lots of birds and if you hold up food, lots and lots of little birds will fly or it and peck of a piece. I got video of me doing it that I will ad later. We went inside and the church was huge. Me and Julian gave an offering and we got to light candles and put them next to a representation of Jesus on the cross. After that me and Julian decided to see another church that was around the corner from our hostel. We kind of forgot what we were planning so we just ended up doing laundry and hanging out for a while at our place. Kim came home like 10 minutes later and said she was hungry and invited us to dinner. We went and got food from this restraunt around the corner. The service took forever. In the us its fast, always getting or asking you if you want something. I finished my coke in like 2 mins after getting it. I didn't get offered a new one or anything. The food was good though. After, since we were only like 5 minutes from a red light district and Kim said it was fun. We decided to just walk through. Its funny and crazy the stuff and people that go through there. There were so many drag queens and stuff, it was gross. ha. It was fun though. I got sort of hungry again and I was told these things called crèapes were good. They are basically a really thin pancake with like a spread of jam or chocolate or something and then folded up. It was pretty good, I got mine with jam. After that we all went home and I passed out immediately.

Today is July 20th witch was the unveiling Google Moon which was a way to commemorate the first lunar landing, which occurred on July 20, 1969, and to give users an opportunity to surf around the lunar surface themselves.
Tomorrow is my Birthday - but not really since this post is a few days late. But yay me. haha.

God Bless

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Today is Day7......Right?

First things first. I'm sorry if I seem a little ungrateful. I am very much thankful to everyone who is helping me and Julian. This blog is for me. I was the original reason any of you right now have a blog. (meaning the people I'm talking to now) - Me saying how I was feeling is not me being unthankful. It's me bringing you through my day and letting you know how I feel and also putting my memories down where I can go step through step and recreate the thoughts and feelings for myself. If I was being ungrateful, I would have said the BBQ was boring or something around those lines. Someone said bored is a choice, well maybe you don't understand my situation. I can't just go on my own and leave Julian by himself or drag him all over the place. Maybe I did want to go and do something, but I can't always have my way. Just a reminder if I was being rude and ungrateful, I would have said The BBQ sucked or I wish I never came to this place; but that didn't come out of my mouth or on this blog now did it? Put that out of the way; I thank you for all you have done.

Paris, France
After the last post me and Julian got on the Metro and started our journey. First stop was to The
Arc de Triomphe. We went inside and Julian got jelous because I had the two day mark where if I was two days older (18) I would have had to pay, but because I am currently 17 I got in for free after showing ID. There were 4 flights of stairs, I don't know if the number we were told was the first flight, or all of them, but the first was the longest and we were told 284 steps and 500m high.
I ran up the whole thing but Julian slowed after like 3/4 the way. Next, we stopped at the good old
Eiffel Tower witch could be seen from the Arc de Triomphe. We went up the top for €10.70. The view was awesome. I've been on the Empire State building, That is cool, but it doesn't have a view like this. Everything in Paris to me is very beautiful and pretty, right next to a nice river and a park and all sorts of stuff. It was awesome. After that we both went home at the hostel to meet our new roommate Kim, who is Australian. She's nice, she's been back packing for 2 months now and is leaving for Germany next in 3 more days. That was my day for you.
God Bless,
Adam Willis

Now we're getting started

Last Two Day's:
Day1 - (BBQ Day) - Drunk people, bored, tired, but good food.
Day2 - (Nothingness) - Sit around and waiting for the tickets to not show up. We finally got something from the company and they said they would refund our money if we wanted to leave before they show. We did. Train was sold out till the morning. We got a hostel, wasn't bad. Slept and waited for morning.

Today: (July19) We woke up kinda early, our hostel promised breakfast so we went downstairs and they had bread (thick biscuit things) and jam; not even toasted. It was good enough to keep us happy until we got to the train station though. We got our tickets for 10:10am. The train was smooth unlike the tube/metro/underground/subway (ha those are all the names I know of that they call it). The ride was about 2hrs35mins and the part from going England to France was all underwater going through the English Channel. Now it is 4:25pm and we are already checked in to our hostel and all. I like it here. It's way different. We understand no one, and they almost never understand us. That's the fun part to me, but Julians all upset about it. Well, let' see what more happends tonight. I'll keep you informed. This Internet cafe has a place to put you USB cord so I'll try and see if I can upload some pics for you to see.


Sunday, July 17, 2005


Trafalgar Square was this neat spot with lots and lots of pigeons. It had two old fountains, and a few statues. Jennifer, Julian's sister came along with us, I thought she was gonna show us around and some cool stuff. She didn't really do anything we didn't already either know about or something we couldn't have done or found on our own. It was kinda okay/lame on this day but I guess not everyday can be perfect. We saw a cool Art gallery once Jen went her own way. We saw one of the Biggest Apple stores in the world. Here in London. It was huge. I don't think its the biggest but its up there. It was really well designed. It had a glass staircase to the second story and lots of computers, and also a theater arrangement for learning how to use the Mac. That was probably my favorite part of today. It's so funny over here, they have a lot of different and new stuff like there Mc Donalds and Burger Kings are like all 2 stories and have elevators and stuff, but most places even the mc donalds have no air conditioning. They don't give refills or nothing extra either. You even have to pay for sauce sometimes. Even the portions are smaller. Ha. A large is like a medium/almost small. Its well I miss that, besides all my friends and stuff.

God Bless,
Adam Willis
