Friday, July 01, 2005

my Month is just starting--July 1st The more I look at that word, it looks misspelled to me. Haha. Today I woke up kind of late, got a late start, got breakfast, went to the health Insurance place with Higdon. I made him mad because I was saying he was going to have AIDs. lol. Went back to his house, mean while sister bugs me like every five minutes of the day. funny thing, every time I’m with Higdon In the car, he tells me stop freaking out, because to me he doesn’t always seem to pay attention or something, well when being the nice guy he Is today, picking up me, my sister and himself up some Del Taco, as he left...BAM!!!. Yeah, that's right, 3 exclamation points. lol. He got in his first accident after being a licensed driver for like 3 or 4 days max. Well, at least all was okay. Tonight was good. Hung out with Liz. We got a few hours in. I was supposed to get food and come home, I think. Well my mom didn’t say anything but she'd be home soon. So I assumed. I thought if she wanted me home she'd call. 11pm came and still no call, so I figured I would beat her home. I did. She’s still not home and its 1:15am as I type. The date of this post will be different, because I started at that time, and got distracted, and also I want to try and say something everyday, even If its stuff absolutely no one cares about. I think right now the only person who has seen me blog more than once is my Girlfriend. Elizabeth Larsen. psh. Higdon, besides his crash, seemed to have a good night, you can ask him. The USMC Is picking me up technically today, but just for date purposes, tomorrow. Hopefully they will give me a good job, or I won’t sign. lol, I won’t sign either way most likely, I don’t even think I could handle the marines. If I wanted a like tough guy job in the military field I would try for seal. That would be awesome. But no. won’t happen to me. We’ll see how everything turns out. Mucho love and God Bless.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

your not going in the marines.

you promised.

keep it i mean it!

Love you more then anything.


Saturday, July 02, 2005 6:21:00 PM  

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