Thursday, June 30, 2005

6.30.2005 Part II (smoking sux0rs)

Haha, both ladies and guys should like these pages, especially the ones who smoke. I don’t like the name, but if your going to be doing the naughty and smoke at the same time, at least you or something on you will DIE. this one is for the ladies mostly but guys should pay attention too. It’s funny because I totally ran into these sites by accident. The stayinghard one, is exactly like anti-smoking ad like the I’m such a loser, I sit around messing with my weblog, telling a small audience who doesn't care because a)they don’t smoke b)they aren't reading my blog anyways c)they are smokers and smokers know what there doing is bad for them already, but the wont stop because they are ignorant. Well, at least today wasn’t bad. I got to hang out with Liz for a few hours, had the car when I needed it, and overall just wasn't bad. Well, im out, late, God Bless, and good night.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i love how you call me and keep in touch with me.

thank you.



Friday, July 01, 2005 1:19:00 PM  

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